School Uniform

An important part of education is learning to present oneself properly. Pupils are encouraged to take pride in their personal appearance, which must be appropriate at all times.

Full uniform should be worn at all times. This also applies while travelling to and from school and when representing the school. Pupils must wear the school tracksuit on their P.E. day or if they are involved in sporting activities during the day. Children will be informed when going on school tour if they will wear a uniform or school tracksuit.

Boys: navy trousers, light blue shirt, tie, navy jumper

Girls: navy skirt/pinafore/trousers, light blue shirt, tie, navy jumper

The crested school jumper and red/blue/yellow tie are only available in Fennessey’s, William Street, Limerick

Infant classesshoes/runners with velcro is strongly recommended.

For PE a plain navy tracksuit with a blue polo shirt is required.